Classroom Enrichment Grants
Most of the funds raised by the PAC go directly to teachers who use the money for field trips, project supplies, guest speakers and more that integrate with their regular classroom learning!
School-Wide Enrichment
In addition to enrichment money that goes to each classroom, the PAC supports school-wide initiatives that improve and enrich the Hyalite experience. Recent projects have included:
Year End Reading Celebration
Sponsoring after school clubs
A yearly big gift to the school, such as new playground equipment
Field Days
New Idea Grants for Teachers
Support of the 5th grade legacy project
Community support for families
Arts, Science, & Fitness Funds
With funds raised, the PAC is able to provide additional arts enrichment opportunities such as guest artists, arts field trips, performances and more.
NEW this year, we are able to pay for an art teacher from the Bozeman Art Museum to teach each classroom every other week!
The PAC is also able to provide each grade with an additional fitness enrichment experience. These include field trips and recreational opportunities for each grade like ice skating, skiing, hiking, and more.
Our STEAM funds for enriching science education allow a collaboration with the Montana Science Center and the Montana Outdoor Science School for in-classroom lessons as well as field trips!
Literacy Grants
With funds raised from the annual lip sync for literacy, teachers are able to purchase books and other literary-themed items for their classroom libraries to supplement ongoing lessons and more!