Missoula Children's Theater
Is your child interested in this 1-week theater adventure?
Missoula Children's Theater will be here the
week of February 11th. Stay tuned for more
information regarding the winter 2018
Questions and answers:
Do I need to be present at the audition?
If your child brings their signed permission slip to school, they will be released a few minutes early and sent to the gym, where they will have immediate supervision. Please send an after school snack with them, so they can be their best selves for the audition.
What if they forget their permission slip?
You will need to pick them up from school and come with them to the gym. Only students with permission slips will be released directly to the gym.
How late is the audition?
The audition ends at 5:45pm, but the first rehearsal starts at 6pm. Younger kids (usually 7 & under) go home at 5:45. Older kids stay until 8pm.
Will everyone get a part?
It depends on how many students try out. There are 50-60 roles to fill. All students will receive an Audition Certificate for trying out, regardless. Parts can't be guaranteed to everyone.
Is there a cost for my child to participate?
No, our Hyalite PAC is paying for the Residency. The play is free and all friends and family are welcome to attend. The Tour Directors may have shirts to sell, purchase is optional.
What are rehearsal times?
For older kids, every day, M-F 3:45-8pm. They need to bring a snack for break.
For younger kids (usually 7 & under), they start on Wednesday Sept 27th. W-F, 3:45-5:45pm.
What if they can't make a rehearsal?
Because there is such a short time to rehearse, they must be able to make every rehearsal and performance.
Do I need to be present during rehearsal?
No. However, parents are welcome to watch. MTC asks only that distractions for the students are kept to a minimum. It is important to be on time to pick up your child after rehearsal, the Tour Directors have post-rehearsal work to do each night.
The Tour Directors are excited and can't wait to see your kids at the audition!
Hyalite's 2018 Snowhite and the Seven Dwarves Performance supported by art enrichment funds